Very soon you may get a ‘free’ entry in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. UAE is going to offer a free transit visa to all passengers if you are flying through these two cities. The free transit visa facility is available for first 48 hours. If you are looking for an extension, pay 50 Dirhams (930 Indian Rupees) to get an extended transit visa upto 96 hours (4 days). The date from which the passengers will start getting a free UAE visa is yet to be announced by the Government of UAE.
Free UAE visa only for Dubai & Abu Dhabi
According to the new system, UAE visa will be available for free only to the transit passengers. That means, passengers, having UAE as their final destination can not avail this facility. Many passengers from India travelling to Europe, America, Central Asia and Africa use Dubai and Abu Dhabi as their transit airports. Such passengers can book their flight tickets having a stay in Dubai or Abu Dhabi for 48 hours.
UAE already grant visa on arrival to Indian nationals having a valid USA visa. Check this post for more details.
We are providing the step by step process of Transit Visa for UAE .